Accountancy & Auditing

Accounting and preparation of financial statements

The preparation of financial statements is a demanding process that is regularly linked to tight deadlines and is characterized by increasing complexity. To master this challenge, we offer you the following services:

  • Support in the preparation of annual or consolidated financial statements, as well as interim financial statements and group reports
  • Preparation of the annual or consolidated financial statements, as well as the associated management reports and annexes in part or in full, including a preparation report in accordance with IDW S 7 with and without plausibility assessments
  • Analysis of the consequences of extraordinary and complex transactions on the annual financial statements and the tax situation
  • Advice and implementation of the initial conversion of your accounting to other accounting standards such as e.g. IFRS

Financial accounting and the preparation of payroll accounting are not part of our range of services. Our focus is on providing you with tailor-made and high-quality advice.

We will be happy to recommend one of the experienced accounting offices from our network.


Create and strengthen trust in your company and your processes. We offer you support in the following ways:

  • Preparation for the audit readiness check: We help you to optimally align your internal processes and documents with the upcoming annual audit.
  • Conducting limited reviews: We undertake limited audits for you, which provide an initial overview of your financial reports without reaching the scope of a full audit.
  • Audit of financial statements or their components: We will audit your financial statements or individual components to ensure their accuracy and reliability.
  • Voluntary and statutory audits of annual financial statements as well as audits of consolidated financial statements in accordance with the German Commercial Code (HGB) and IFRS: We carry out both voluntary and statutory audits of your annual and consolidated financial statements, considering national and international accounting standards.
  • Special audits: We carry out special audits, for example in the context of transformations and mergers, incorporations or contributions in kind, and ensure that all requirements are met.
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